
Monday, January 13, 2014

NY celebration in Spore

**postponed entry**

Inche' SO has mentioned to me that he really wanted the boys to experienced watching the NY fireworks upclose - when we were staying in Mont Kiara, I had the best view ever! I remembered sitting on the balcony with a drink in hand and doing my own special quiet countdown and voila! the fireworks did not dissapoint me - I got to watch the fireworks from Mont Kiara/ Solaris area, from KLCC and one more location that I couldn't really put my finger on .. but the view was majestic... yes, it was loud.. yes, it was smokey..but I am just glad that I get to watch all that in the convenience of my home..

this time round, Inche' SO was sooo determined to bring the boys down to Singapore for them to experience the NY firework Spore style..

we were there [Merlion overlooking the Marina Bay Sands Hotel] and we were there since 2100hrs and my God, there were already tonnes of people there.. We were lucky to have a spot on the stairs with thousand others already there and then, the waiting game begins..he he he he...

mind you, my boys [the father included] are not patient people.. Haddyff even fell asleep while waiting for the countdown.. I saw a Starbucks/ Coffee Bean outlet near the underpass so I had my plan laid out for me - in case of emergency, buy coffee..he he he he.. but na'ah, couldn't get to the outlet as CISCO had already put up barrier to not let any more people in [or people out, for that matter] by 2230hrs.. so we had to drink mineral water instead, much to the dismay of the boys..

but as the countdown begins - I felt some sort of excitement in me and was so excited to see this so-called majestic view and I was totally awed!

All in all we had fun and the boys got to see their fireworks up close and they were indeed , happy bunnies al the way back to KL! [oh yeah, we made our way back to KL immediately after the celebration - Alhamdulilah, no traffic and 'twas a smooth drive back home]

walking down the pier, looking for the toilet..he he he he..

you can see Maybank Tower, the Hotels there and of course, the Singapore Flyer

yup, we were seated right smack behind Merlion's buttock!

the lasers from the top of MBS Hotel

They were having a concert near Singapore Flyer

see throngs of people there and it was not even 2200hrs

Haddyff sleeping , Abah is bored and Irfan is just happy to be there.. Harryth? He was doing some stretching down the staircase..

p/s: next in line , we're planning to either celebrate our NY here in Spore in 3 years time on either a) MBS hotel - rent a room during the NY celebration or b) book the whole capsule at Singapore Flyer or c) charter the night boat during the NY celebration...

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Orientasi Darjah 1 si SK SERI HARTAMAS

**postponed entry**

Mr Confident aka Haddyff has officially moved to his new school as a Pri 1 student and with that comes the Orientation Day as to introduce the new school to the new attendees and for the parents to get their textbooks, pay the fees etc..

Inche' SO wasn't around so I had to bring Irfan along  - Harryth ? He was "kidnapped" by Tok Daddy, Tok Mommy and Mak Su for a short getaway in PD..

Alhamdulillah, lesson learnt - Mommy bought all his schoolbooks earlier so that she does not have to queue twice anymore.. average waiting time in line? still 30 mins..

collected his files, fill in all his particulars, paid the fees and collected his textbooks and Mommy got all of it done within 2 hrs **phew**

Haddyff was happily venturing the school with his ever so loyal sidekick Irfan and almost immediately made friends with the other new children.. Irfan? He made the school as his own - he he he he he.. be patience, love - you still have 2 more years in Ilham Montessori before you can go to the same school as your brothers:)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

First Day in Ilham Montessori 2014

IM started their sem on Monday and boy was Haddy-Irfan excited to go to school..
We were a bit apprehensive on how he would react on the 1st day - as all of you know now, Irfan will be alone in the kindy this year as Haddyff is already in Pri 1 in SKSH.. He is so used to have Haddyff around that we were a bit scared that he'll be slightly off-ish when he realized that Abang is no longer there to be with him...

Alhamdulillah , with our constant reminders to Irfan about him being a big boy now and that he will be going to IM alone, DAY 1 of IM was such a breeze..

no tantrums, no one scene drama queen antics..he he he he..

he was so happy to send both Harryth and Haddyff to school and reminded me that I need to send him to IM next..

he walked confidently to school, hand-in-hand with Mommy and entered IM compound with a smile.. Mommy had asked him to recite him phonics and count all the way from home - ha ha ha ha ha, we live about  a minute away from IM actually so Mommy managed to squeeze in a few phonics and numbers with Irfan constantly asking "AGAIN Mommy?"

anyway - I am just so happy that IM has proven to be the best for my children so far, alhamdulillah ...

so sweet of the teachers to have this up for the children

Welcome Back!

Muka budak baik!

Yes, the one who holds his card differently from the rest is mine :P

Taking pictures with a funny face runs in the family - from Tok Daddy & Abah

pictures courtesy of Ilham Montessori Mutiara Damansara

Friday, January 10, 2014

Berkongsi cerita Hari Pertama si SK Seri Hartamas

Abah bercuti lama hujung tahun ni - actually he took a quite a few days off as we, ourselves had made 2 trips down to Spore for the month of Dec 2013..

but this time he was adamant of sending the boys to school as well as establishing a routine for the the big boys who now attends the same school together..

We are the big boys now..

Yup, my Mr Confident sitting in line with the rest of his new classmates..

my other 2 handsome heroes

He's so used to having one of his brothers attending/playing with him so when no one is around, he got sad and lonely hence the sad face
[and mind you this was his face throughout the day when the brothers were in school!]

waiting for Harryth at Table No.3 in the school's canteen

this boy was so bored that he slept on his own in the car..kesian kan?

Pakcik baju belang tu kancheong psl anak2 dah besar - dah masuk sekolah rendah!:P

Haddyff & Mommy

Harryth and Haddyff will have this routine of sitting down and having recess together everyday, hopefully
[lunchbox food - sardines sandwiches, courtesy of Mommy ofcourse]

Friday, December 27, 2013

trip down I

dah lama juga tak memandu sendiri balik ke Singapore..

kami dlm suasana cuti sekolah lagi kan..tahun ni tak ke mana pun..bercuti dlm negeri je.. 

ini pun ke Singapore sebab kami mahu ke Batam utk mencuba perubatan alternatif mata dari India/Pakistan di sana..

memandu dr selepas Zohor -kami tidak terus masuk Singapore dulu kali ni, kami menyinggah ke rumah Tok Ayah & Tok Chik di Tiram - bermalam di sana selama 2 malam..yelah, dah lama juga tidak mejenguk satu2nya atuk yang masih ada dlm keluarga kami ni [Tok Chik adalah nenek tiri kami - arwah Mak Tok meninggal dunia sewaktu saya berumur dlm 8/9 tahun]

memang lambat sebab banyak berhenti2..biasalah bila memandu dgn anak3..ada je yang nak ke tandas lah.. nak beli jajan lah... nak makan aiskrim ...he he he he..layankan je lah...

dpt juga rehatkan belakang ni dlm 30 mins setiap kali stop...

sampai di rumah Ayah sudah lepas waktu Maghrib sbb saya sudah tersalah masuk simpang - niat di hati nak potong EDL, tapi entah macam mana boleh pulak termasuk simpang ikut jalan hu hu..dahlah jalannya bengkak bengkok dan melalui kebun sawit, jauh pulak lah akibatnya tak ikut papan tanda jalan raya dengan betul...he he he he he...

sampai2...anak3 terus meleseh dgn Tok Ayah.. rindu lah tu.. Tok Yoyot [panggilan dr anak3 buat atok saya] pun sama seronok..

bila kami ada, selera makan dia naik...nasi makan bertambah.. ada je yang nak diajak anak3 berbual and as he converse in English, my boys gets their lessons in the language as well...

cumanya kali ni saa memandang Tok Ayah saya dengan pandangan sayu- kerana akhirnya dlm usianya 83 tahun, dia mengaku "kalah" dengan pe'el seseorang yang begitu dekat dengan dirinya...

saya nampak sisi lembut seorang Atok yang terpaksa menerima hakikat bahawa cucunya nan seroang itu tidaklah sebaik dan semaksum yang di bayangkannya.. saya terpana dan kasihan kerana dlm usia sebegitu, dia tidak seharusnya di hambat dengan perasaan ini, dia seharusnya berasa gembira dan dpt menikmati hari2 tuanya "worry-free"..

3 hari 2 malam di rumah Tok Ayah membawa saya mengimbau kembali kenangan berada dirumah itu sedari kecil hinggalah sekarang.. betapa saya sudah berusia sekarang ni ye?:P

InshaALLAH ...harus cari masa utk lebih selalu pulang ke kampung menjenguk Tok Ayah!

Meleseh terus dengan Tok Yoyot

Muka budak kena tinggal
"Tok Yoyot , you pergi mana? You lambat! Irfan rindu you lah!"

Tengah khusyuk main kusyen sofa Tok Yoyot, buat kubu lah..
apa lagi..

Aisy, Tok Chik, Tok Yoyot, Haddyff & Haddy- Irfan

Friday, December 13, 2013

kesedihan melanda... pt I

arnab saya ada 3 ekor kesemuanya..

Snow [putih], Murphy [coklat keperangan] dan Gandalf [kelabu]

aktif dan kuat makan..

tapi sejak 2 bulan kebelakangan ni, saya terperasan sesuatu yang agak berbeza antar mereka bertiga- lebih2 lagi si Gandalf...

kepala dia agak teleng sedikit..

lama2 makin susah dia nak bergerak.. tak stabil..

yang paling sedih, adamasanya dia akan menyandar kasih utk tegak dengan arnab2 yang lagi dua tu..

saya kasihankan dia jadi sy bawa dia ke vet...

bila sampai ke vet yang berdekatan, rasa bertambah sedih lagi adalah ..rupanya walau sudah semakin ramai yang berjinak2 membela arnab sebagai pets, tak semua vet tahu dan mahir dlm penjagaan dan rawatan...berpusinglah saya ke sana kemari mencari vet yang lain..

saya diberitahu mengenai klinik veterinar kerajaan di Cheras tu - alhamdulillah, mmg diorg handle rabbits tp mungkin bukan rezeki saya, 2 hari saya dtg utk dapatkan rawatan buat Gandalf, 2-2 hari juga klinik di tutup kerana tiada elektrik...sedih sgt..

pusing lagi the very next day, Alhamdulillah ada satu vet di Bangsar yang sudi melihatkan keadaan Gandalf - tapi prognosisnya tidak menggembirakan..

katanya bagi arnab, ianya antara satu drpd possibility berikut - Gandalf mungkin terkena sawan [ sawan pd arnab tidak se-obvious mcm sawan pd manusia, mulut takde berbuih , kejung2 etc] atau pun Gandalf mmg punya genetik ke-teleng-an dr induk ..tapi kedua2nya bakal membawa rasa ketidakselesaan yang melampu buat Gandalf... Gandalf tidak mempunyai kutu atau parasit di telinga jadi isu jangkitan di tolak oleh vet..

kepala yang semakin teleng akan membuatkan dia tidak stabil - dan ini akan menghadkan pergerakan dia untuk melompat, bergerak etc..


tambah pula saya rasa reaksi atau tindakbalas normal "siapa kuat, selamat" - saya dpt tgk sendiri yang Snow semakin agresif terhadap Gandalf - Murphy pula sebagai "pihak berkecuali" - tidak menyerang mahupun menyokong atau defend Gandalf..saya tak salahkan dia, namapun pun haiwan...

Vet juga nasihatkan saya utk "let him down" sbb selalunya life expectancy untuk arnab2 sebegini tak lama..takkan cecah 6 bulan pun sbb pergerakan yang terbatas tu akan puya implikasi terhadap byk perkara dalamannya, yang paling sedih mungkin nak makan pun susah..

so saya tgh cuba sedaya upaya utk memberikan keselesaan buat Gandalf sehinggalah ke nafas terakhirnya..InshaALLAH...

Someone in the newspaper .....again!

My sis tagged me in FB on that day..12/12/13

 macam kenal je...macam kenal je..

tiga dari kiri - my beloved Daddy..