yes yes yes, I know I know...any kind of update is long due for my blog..and yes, some of you might know that I had a MAJOR hiccup as my lappie was down and out!
mcm takleh hidup bila these electrical appliances goes out the window kan? tenion tension...
anyway, skang nih lappie dah selamat ke pangkuan ku..walaupun at the same time I have my mini white mini laptop to use, tapi hati ni mcm berat nah nak tinggalkan lappie ni ke I have decided that I will only use my mini laptop whenever I am in the move...bukannya takleh nak harung lappie ni ke barat ke timur, tapi alasan yang paling best ialah supaya Inche' S.O. tak marah...ha ha ha ha....
anyway, I am back in JB after my 3 month long course and I couldn't feel better..I am back on familiar grounds, my home, my surrounding and yes to HIM...although I might add that the distance has made us closer to each other, more than we have ever imagined ....
yes, we have been apart before tapi ntahlah, kali ni rasa macam lain..The feeling was a bit too overwhelming for me..Mebbe I did took his presence overgranted kan?but know this yang, I LOVE YOU MORE NOW!
Kemajuan yang paling best must be awarded to Muhammad Haddy Irfan Zulfadhli, anak montok yang mula laju berjalan when we first started to be in KL..dr jalan senget2, and kept on bumping onto Tok Mommy's wall dia dah boleh jalan straight and jalan laju ** yes, we call it running**..tambah lagi 2 gigi kat rahang bawah and dah mula laju makan solid...dia pun skang ni dah pandai berebut toys dgn abang2, berebut susu dengan Abang Adyff and berebut makan dengan Abang Harryth...h aha h a...
and to tell you frankly, I miss seeing my Mom and my Sis ...but wat to do this is the life that I have chosen! I have to make the very best of everything while I can , kan?
anyway, this is for now...later2 will update more as I am also dying to wirte after my 3 mths hiatus kan?
till then..toodles!
Nugget punca buta?
2 days ago