Emma Maersk...kalau tak kerana keje dengan Maersk Malaysia dulu, jangan haraplah dpt naik the largest container vessel ever built in the world **sebenarnya cuma dapat naik ELEONORA MAERSK, tapi maersk namakan vessel memasing ikut size EMMA & ELEONORA, both are E-class vessel** ..kalau agak2 nak naik sendiri, ha ha ha ha..masuk container je lah..itu pun belum tentu naik kapal yang betul..ha ha ha ha...
one of the perks of working with Maersk was the fact that we were granted a vessel tour on one of the vessel berthing at Tanjung Pelepas at that arranged date, once in a lifetime je tau **takleh naik 2-3 kali** ..memang macam jakun, yelah..satu dunia kalau dah penah pusing, belum tentu dapat naik kapal kontena kan?
my first expectation about the vessel is that it would be DIRTY...tapi I was impressed, it was not as bad as I thought..they're being well-maintained and clean, to say the least..memang lah tak selesa sangat..nak jalan pun takleh jalan bergandingan **alah mcm abang2 Bangla jalan kat bandar tu, siap pegang2 tangan**, NO..kat dlm tu u nak kena jalan sowang-sowang...
foods diorg..Sedap okay!
and the workers are from all around the world..and kalau tak silap masa tu Capt of the tour was an American ke?tak perasan lah..they all ang mohs looks the same to me...:P..kat dlm tu ada elevator, interior dia berkilat you....very the beautiful!
anyway, here are some pictures during the vessel trip kat Tanjung Pelepas....enjoy!
Eleonora Maersk -picture a bit blurry-took it with my HP PDA. ni amek dr main building PTP..kalau dr jauh pun dah nampak besar gini, apa lagi kalau kita berdiri kat sebelah je?
**masa tu takde digi/vidoecam lagi**
kat observation tower..see all the containers down there..
in the engine room..berkilat you!and to safe space, tangga semua buat curam2, berpeluh jugak nak turun..seriau jer..:P
before entering the vessel...
**this was actually lepas tercungap naik gangway yang curam banget seyh!**
ni lah Capt yang di maksudkan..yang lain semua maa tu tgh sebuk amek gambar, so yours truly terpaksa feign interest to accomodate the captain **he was nice though**
seriau nak turun gangway ni...
alhamdulillah aku berjaya naek emma maersk... memula diowank nak campak aku ke eleonora maersk... tapi sebaek ada yang cancel last minute... dapat la aku merasa emma maersk... sampai la ni aku asek dok ulang2 tengok pix tu... windu sey...
Bestnya dapat pengalaman camni.
Bila ko kerja ngan diaorg? For how long?
Yan- Emma berthing kat PKL ke masa tu?Masa planning tu kalau aku tak silap Emma tak berth kat PTP, so terpaksa ah naik Eleonora, kalau tak dia nak kasi kapal lain tau, different size altogether...mau semput ah jugak naik turun gangway tu.but you're right..it's an experience of a lifetime
p/s: ko tahu kat JOH **and BP** and kalau tak silap aku dgn PEN kena shut down?this month last weiii...:P they are only maintaining Glenmarie je..kelakar seram ah.. brother sister co bley untung, parent co masih rugi...!
Myza- aku keje dgn diorg ada dlm 2 years jugak ah..masa mula2 turun dr KL..okaylah, masa memula dia punya working environment and attitude sungguh BEST, but then decline seiring the keuntungan co..aku berenti bukan pasal kena retrench, tapi pasal masa tu aku ada issue dgn maid aku..takde sapa nak handle anak2, emergency..
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