
Friday, December 23, 2011

sesi "masih menunggu bonus"

ha ha ha ha..
ye orang lain gamaknya dah settle dah pat bonus + gaji bulan ni..
co saya ?
masih dlm sesi menunggu ni..
kalau waktu lunch, e-payslip sudah selamat diterima di dlm inbox; ALHAMDULILLAH...
kalau masih senyap diam je - alamatnya memang HR office nak kena bakar:P

esok most probably will be a long day ..
niatnya nak membawa Tok Mommy + Mak Su sama2 shopping utk barang2 sekolah Harryth **yup, Harryth is going to Pri 1 this coming school session**
as a mother - I am nervous as hell but I remembered my transition from kindy to Pri **as vague as it may be** was kinda smooth so I am foreseeing the same thing with my eldest boy ni..

Harryth so far to me is mature than his age - dependable and reliable cuma ada masanya my gentle giant ni kena be a firm - he's a lover not a fighter; that goes without saying but he needs to learn to stand up for himself and not let anyone mistreat him..dia kadang2 lebih kepada "sukati ko lah nak buat apa, asal jgn kaco sudah" kinda attitude which is good at times, but not all the time kan?

terus terang kata - saya risau sebenarnya jika anak3 saya jadi mangsa buli kerana simptom mangsa buli ni adakalanya susah nak ditebak jadinya, saya sentiasa berdoa agar saya akan sentiasa fokus kepada sikap Harryth so that I will not be caught off guard about anything..

I have also pledge to make my presence felt at his new school..
no, not by becoming a drama - mama, but by being involved in their activities etc as when I was growing up both my parents were most of the time wrapped up with their own hectic work schedule to attend to all my events - no, not complaining-mind you, but as parents you would always wanna be better than your own parents koz you know that they have already set a high standard of being a parent themselves..:)

anyway - crossing my fingers that the pay do come in by today..or else:P



i dah habis punnnnnnnnnnnnn..kiki

Kuacibunge said...

Danish pun esok induction...3 hari...mama cuti la :) excited nk hantar Danish ke sekolah. Chicken pox pun dah baik...luka dah kering. La la la...hari ni baru nak basuh baju sekolah dia...boleh? Hi hi...hope sempat kering...

About chicken pox, Dr cakap kalau dah 20 tahun kena, ada possibility akan kene balik sebab antibodi dah tak kuat... u lbh tahu kot, ex medic student...I last kene form 2...

Scorpio Girl said...

ha ha ha - memang kali ni terasa benar bonus tu "lesap" gitu je - tap alhamdulillah, bersyukur sangat ada kelebihan kali ni nak belikan Harryth keperluan dia utk bersekolah..:) yelah, dah masuk sekolah rendah kan?

p/s: bilalah dpt buat play-date nih..?:P

Scorpio Girl said...

Ayu- ada kebenarannya juga pat tu. seingat me, me dah kena 3x okay?:P masa umur 9thn, 15 thn and last but nt least masa kat russia dulu - but that one is confirmed of a different chicken pox strain altogether...takperlah, bila dah besar nanti - kalau kata kena lagi, dah faham bila kita kata jangan garu etc..wah danish dah nak masuk tadika ye?:) cepat membesar anak2 kita ni **ke kita je in denial pasal takut anak2 cepat sgt membesar:)** apa2 pun, may he like his new school + environment..:)