malam tadi sebab ada konflik sikit dengan anak-anak, so I hadta cut their TV priviledge **normally they are allowed to watch Cartoon Network / Disney Clubhouse from 6.30pm through dinner and up till 8.30pm** but as ada seorang insan comel tu taknak obey kata2 Mommy dia, so..jeng jeng jeng...Mommy dia dpt tengok Buletin Utama sejak sekian lamanya..
tengok pun dah nak abes dah, so I only got the chance to see the sport's segment where they showed a young talent,Malaysian lah kot as the father is a Malaysian - by the name of WAN KUZAIN WAN KAMAL.. He is playing in the Southern Illinois Football Club FORCE where his father is also the coach for the U-9 and U-12 team..Nampak cekap betul dia dribble and handle the ball..:) mungkin mana tahu dia akan menjadi one of the national players in the future, kalau tak pun, sekurang2nya mampulah seorang lagi Muslim merancakkan lagi persada bola sepak antarabangsa... **huisy bahasa, tak agak!**
oh yes, kalau nak check out the website and youtube videos, you can check it out here...
Wan Kuzain:Football Wonderkid
Wan Kuzain: Football Wonbderkid II
SI Force Football Club
ckp pasal bola sepak nih kan, apa jadi dgn Titus ek? **budak yang pandai timbang bola lama-lama tu, kan**
anyway, dlm kita bercerita pasal anak2 org lain...apa perancangan kita untuk anak kita sendiri ek?
As for me, personally - I was quite active in school dulu...I was in the netball team,hockey team as well as the tracks **yes, saya tahu..bagi anda yang mengenali diri saya dari kejauhan..saya memang gemuk sejak dr kecik lagi..hatta sayalah baby yang terbesar dilahirkan oleh Mommy saya..but I do have skills okay?:P**
anyway, after I was involved in those sports then only I came to know that my parents were both very active in sports when they were in school.. ** they represented Johore in hockey ( Daddy) , netball (Mommy)** and rupa2nya Inche' S.O adalah bekas pemain pelapis utk negeri seberang tambak wokey? **dia seangkatan dengan geng2 Fandi Ahmad etc ** cuma mungkin bukan rezeki for me to achieve the same level as they did before..nevertheless, I do believe that it is important that our children be involved in sports, be it for leisure or for the love of sports itself..
right now as the rest of the boys are still too young to absorb new skills, I have already registered Harryth for golf lessons and still looking for the info and place to enrol him with an equine sport center. Yup,something new and out of the norm- just to give him the taste of something and along the way, we'll see if he likes it..If he does, then by all means go for it..If not, the option is there for him to change course and try out other sports..that is until he knows which one suits him best!
sama jugak for other activities, such as music lessons and other skills **pernah tergerak untuk masukkan anak2 ke kelas drama - di JB ada satu drama class yang cukup hebat - Helen O'Grady Drama School, tapi saya katakan TIDAK..kerana anak2 saya sudah cukup "drama-mama" and berlagak agak "diva-esque" walau tanpa bantuan, ikut genetik belah family saya..ha ha ha ha** I have already mentioned to Inche' S.O that I would love it if the boys could each play an instrument-
Harryth, the piano;
Haddyff, the guitar
Haddy Irfan , the violin -ini pilihan saya koz when I was younger I wasn't given a choice to pick my own instrument, so I was stuck with the organ..:D
kalau boleh, I don't want my boys to mix up with the wrong crowd..buat masa ni, boleh lah kita tinjau intip apa yang diorg buat koz we will be the one sending them to and from school tapi esok lusa bila dah pandai bergaul sendiri..macam mana?
setakat ini, this is all that I could think of supaya diorg nih tak terjerumus melakuka perkara2 yang lagha'...kalau ada pendapat lain nanti, I'll share kay?
ha ha ha ha, ini cuma pendapat persendirian ye?:P
Nugget punca buta?
2 days ago
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